What Does an FUE Post Op Hair Transplant Look Like?

March 23, 2022

FUE Post Op Hair Transplant Expectations

Many before and after pictures of hair transplants you will find online are very promising. Modern-day hair transplants have some pretty miraculous results and are nearly identical to a full head of naturally growing hair. In fact, someone would be hard-pressed to determine if someone has undergone a hair transplant nowadays. These pictures almost seem like they happened overnight. However, the FUE post op hair transplant result takes a great deal of time to manifest after the surgery itself.

Nobody comes home from an FUE clinic and looks in the mirror with immediate satisfaction. In fact, if you are not prepared for the stages of healing that take place after an FUE surgery, it can be at times alarming. But that’s completely normal, just like any other surgical procedure. Do your mouth look sexy after you pull your wisdom teeth? Broken foot after bones repaired? How about those thighs after liposuction? You get it now. These things take time.

After the FUE Procedure

After an FUE post op hair transplant, your doctor will give you a set of instructions that need to be followed to the letter. You can have the most skilled hair transplant doctor in the world perform your procedure, but if you don’t follow the post-op instructions your transplant will very likely fail.

Here at Best Hair Transplant Los Angeles, we have put together a detailed guide to the entire process of an FUE hair transplant, as well as the step-by-step guide of what you can expect after the FUE procedure has been completed and you have been sent home.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Procedure

The FUE hair transplant surgery has become the most popular hair transplant available today. This is because the procedure involves much less post-procedure pain and discomfort than the older Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) method, and it involves less scarring as well.

In the older FUT method, a large “strip” of hair-bearing tissue is extracted from the specified donor area of the scalp that has healthy, growing hair follicles. This donor area is normally along the base of the skull. After the strip is harvested, the scalp must be sutured back together. The individual hair follicles are then separated from each other under a microscope for implantation in the recipient area of the scalp.

The FUE process differs from FUT in how the hair follicles are extracted. In the FUE method, each individual hair follicle is extracted for implantation. The surgeon normally uses a hollow, micro punch tool that separates the follicle from the tissue of the scalp, then the follicle is lifted away with forceps. The implantation of the follicle after it is extracted is the same as with the FUT process. The surgeon will just make a small incision in the area of the scalp that is the recipient of the extracted follicles and implants the follicle using forceps. 

There are many different tools and devices that have been invented to streamline the FUE hair transplant procedure. However, the cost of the FUE procedure is normally much greater when the doctors employ these devices, and the results are the same.

Preparation for Your FUE Procedure

You will be given a list of ways to prepare for your FUE surgery at your initial consultation with your doctor. Your doctor will ask you to try to quit smoking because the nicotine makes it more difficult for your body to heal after the transplant, and it slows the oxygen flow through your blood. Nicotine will also increase the risk of infection after the transplant.

On the day of your surgery you will be asked to forgo eating or drinking for a period of time, and to wear loose-fitting clothes. You will be asked to wear a T-shirt with a wide collar so that you will be able to remove it after your procedure without damaging the newly implanted hair follicles.

After Your FUE Hair Transplant 

After your FUE procedure, the newly implanted hair grafts will be very delicate. It is imperative that you take extra steps to ensure that the hair grafts have time to heal properly so that the hair follicles will begin to grow new hair. The FUE post op hair transplant aftercare instructions must be followed in order for the hair transplant to be successful. We have compiled a list of some of the issues you may face post-procedure and some possible steps your doctor may advise you to take. 

Hair Washing

Keeping your hair and scalp clean after your hair transplant will help avoid a bacterial infection sets in. Some FUE clinics will provide you will a special medicated shampoo to use to clean your scalp, as well as a moisturizer that you can use on the newly implanted hair to help soften the scabs that will form and remove any traces of dried blood. It is important that after moisturizing, you gently apply the shampoo to the scalp without rubbing. Then, using warm water, you pour the water over the scalp to rinse off the shampoo. Make sure that all your hair washing is done by hand, and not in a shower.

Managing Pain

An FUE hair transplant is a relatively non-invasive procedure, but some mild pain and discomfort are normal. Some people have reported difficulty sleeping after the first couple of days post-op, and it is more common to have more discomfort in the donor area than the recipient part of the scalp. The post-op pain you will feel can easily be relieved with over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol and Ibuprofen.


After an FUE hair transplant, swelling will only become an issue if there was a large number of hair grafts that had to be transplanted. If swelling is a factor, it can sometimes affect the forehead and the area around the eyes. Using an NSAID medication like ibuprofen along with an ice pack over the eyes and forehead will normally reduce the swelling. 


Itching is one of the most common issues someone will face after an FUE hair transplant. Both the donor area as well as the transplanted hair follicles will itch as they heal. The quickest way to mess up a perfectly good hair transplant is to scratch your scalp during the healing process. If you scratch, you will dislodge the newly implanted hair follicles before they have had a chance to heal. DO NOT SCRATCH. If the itching becomes unbearable, an over-the-counter antihistamine may help.

Correct Sleeping Position

For the first week after your FUE procedure, it is important to touch the recipient area of your scalp as little as possible. Sleeping in the correct position is important so that the implanted hair follicles are not disturbed. Your doctor may ask you to sleep on your back in a slightly elevated position. This way your scalp will come into minimal contact with pillows and blankets and the elevated position will reduce any swelling that may have occurred.

FUE Post Op Hair Transplant Results Last For Decades to Come
FUE Post Op Hair Transplant Results Last For Decades

FUE Post Op Hair Transplant Hair Growth

While the before and after pictures you see on the internet make it look like the results of an FUE transplant are instantaneous, it takes a good long while for the head of full hair to grow. In fact, if the patient isn’t prepared for the healing process, it can be kind of scary. For instance, during the FUE post op hair transplant month one, nearly all the transplanted hair follicles will be in a state of shock. This causes a perfectly natural instance of “shock hair loss.” This means the hair that was in the transplanted hair follicles will fall out.

After getting a hair transplant it can be unsettling to see transplanted hair start to fall out, but rest assured that the actual transplanted hair follicles are still safe in their new homes, and after the state of shock is over, the follicles will begin to grow new, healthy hair.

Experiencing Shock Loss

After the shock loss of the hair shafts, the hair follicles will go into a state of rest while they heal. This phase normally lasts around 8 to 10 weeks. During this phase, your scalp may have a perfectly normal “patchy” look due to some of the hair shafts having not fallen out due to shock loss.

Right around 3 to 4 months after the hair transplant, the hair follicles will begin to start to grow new hair. At first, the new hair will grow is thin and curly. Think body hair. Again, do not be alarmed as this is normal, as the hair grows out, it will thicken and straighten out. During this stage, the hair follicles grow at different times and lengths. This may create another “patchy” look. However, don’t stress out. This too shall pass.

Bursting & Beyond

From 6 to 9 months all your patience will start to pay off. This is known as the “bursting phase” as you will start to see noticeable growth coming from the new hair follicles. During the bursting phase, the hair will begin to grow at a rate of about 1-2 cm per month.

During the 9-to-12-month mark after your FUE surgery, new hair becomes thicker and straighter. Additionally, your scalp will finally begin to appear normal. The final results of your hair transplants now look great. It is during this time that you can start to style and cut your hair. Just FYI, make sure that your barber or hair stylist only uses scissors during the first year after your transplant.

Best Hair Transplant Los Angeles for Your FUE Surgery

We hope that we have provided you with the information you need to be prepared for your FUE post op hair transplant expectations. Getting an FUE surgery is a long game, and the results are not gained quickly. However, they are worth it in the long run. While it may take a year for the final results, a full head of healthy is your reward.

We offer the best FUE rates in the industry and provide the highest quality hair transplant you will find anywhere. So what are you waiting for? Give us a try. Call for your free consultation today. You won’t regret it.


Best Hair Transplant is the best place to schedule your hair transplant in Los Angeles. We’ve helped both men and women regrow their lost hair. But don’t take our word for it. We suggest learning as much as possible about hair restoration. Do so prior to making a decision on how to address your hair loss. Not every procedure is right for everyone.

At Best Hair Transplant, we’re proud of our results and happy to provide hair restoration services. Additionally, we’re proud to make hair transplants affordable and help you save money on a variety of hair transplants.

To ensure your ease of mind, you can view our customer recommendations HERE. Furthermore, you can also see our Google reviews and Yelp reviews. We can’t wait to help you start restoring your lost hair.


Best Hair Transplant
1970 S. Prospect Ave., Suite 2
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(213) 403-0455

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