Hair Transplantation – What You Need to Know

Regardless of what kind of hair loss you are experiencing, there are some treatments available to you. One option is hair transplantation. This type of procedure is a minimally invasive technique that can help restore the fullness of your hair. Read this first!

Male or female pattern baldness affects the top and front of your scalp

Using low-level laser therapy, a healthcare provider can use specific wavelengths of light to stimulate hair growth. Hair transplants, or hairpieces, can also be used to help with thinning hair.

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure where hair is transplanted from a healthier area of the scalp to the bald area. The procedure involves several phases over a few weeks. The procedure numbs the scalp, removes the skin containing about 10 to 15 hairs, and inserts an implant under the scalp where the hair remains.

A hair transplant is expensive. It is also not covered by the NHS. In some cases, it can take months to see results. Hair transplants may also lead to minor scarring where the hair is removed or transplanted.

The FDA has approved minoxidil for the treatment of male pattern baldness. It is available in a liquid or pill form. It is usually applied to the scalp daily. The effects of the product can take a few months to show, but they can help with hair re-growth.

Minimally invasive approach

Surgical hair transplantation is a procedure that relocates hair follicles from a donor site to a balding area. The process involves making small incisions in the scalp and implanting the follicles in the area where hair has been lost.

Minimally invasive hair transplantation can be performed using a variety of techniques. Some techniques include “strip method” and “Follicular Unit Extraction”.

The strip method involves making a long incision in the back of the head. The hair-bearing skin is then removed. This procedure creates a long scar that may dictate the length of the patient’s hair.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a minimally invasive technique that moves healthy hair follicles from the donor area to the balding area. It can be performed on its own or as a supplement to other treatments. FUE results in minimal post-operative pain and discomfort.

Minimally invasive techniques can also help patients avoid having to wear a large scar on their scalp. The NeoGraft method uses a handheld device that slides out hair follicles using controlled pneumatic pressure.


Despite the fact that hair transplantation is a relatively safe and successful procedure, there are certain complications that can arise after a hair transplant. These complications can be quite serious, but are often manageable.

The most common hair transplant complication is postoperative edema. The edema usually develops within a few days after the operation and can become so severe that the patient cannot open his eyes. This condition can be controlled with massage or by applying cold packs to the affected area.

The other complication is folliculitis. This inflammation can occur in the donor area or the recipient area. Folliculitis can be caused by infection, injury, or an existing dermatological disorder. Folliculitis is treated with topical antibiotic ointment or by using warm compresses.

During the healing process, pruritis can occur. This condition can be treated with topical steroids and antihistamines.

Wound necrosis is a rare complication that occurs in the recipient area. It occurs because the wound is not healing properly. Wound dehiscence is also uncommon.


Getting a hair transplant can be a life changing experience. It can take up to six months for the new hair to grow and start to look natural. It is important to follow the doctor’s instructions to ensure the best results.

After the procedure, you will need to take antibiotics to prevent infection. You will also need to avoid picking at scabs. These crusts can dislodge the implanted grafts and affect the results. It is best to avoid any strenuous activities for at least one week.

On the third day after the procedure, you will be able to wash your hair. Use gentle shampoos to keep your hair healthy. Avoid sun exposure and wearing hats until the hair has fully grown.

The first few days following the procedure, your head will be swollen. You will also experience a mild to moderate degree of pain. The pain is controlled by prescription medications. You may also experience some numbness. This is a common side effect of the medication. Read next.