When Will FUE Hair Grow After a Transplant?
When will FUE hair grow after a transplant? The process starts right away but impressive results appear around 6-12 months after.
Will FUE Leave Scars After a Hair Transplant?
As long as your Follicular Unit Extraction procedure is performed well, the answer to “Will FUE Leave Scars?” is thankfully NO!
It Looks Like I Got Hair Plugs. Can This Be Repaired?
Be careful. If you finally get a hair transplant and it was done by an inexperienced surgeon, it may look like you got hair plugs.
Charity Work with Beauty Bus Foundation
Best Hair Transplant is proud to be a supporter of the Beauty Bus Foundation, offering hair restoration services to needy men and women.
Using HypoThermosol for Hair Restoration
Best Hair Transplant utilizes HypoThermosol; the leading hair graft suspension solution among hair restoration professionals.
ACell Regenerative Medicine for Hair Restoration
Best Hair Transplant utilizes ACell’s Extra-Cellular Matrix to enhance healing and encourage additional hair restoration.
Common Hair Loss Myths Debunked
Hair loss myths and old wives’ tales are prevalent in society. Find out the real deal on hair loss. Best Hair Transplant sets the record straight.
Our Response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
Best Hair Transplant would like you to know about the steps we’re taking in the wake of the ongoing fight against the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic.