Hair Transplant Black Male FUE Options for Hair Restoration Procedures

September 2, 2022

Curious about your hair transplant black male FUE options? Hair loss and balding are conditions that can affect people of all different races and ethnicities. Our black male patients are often curious about whether or not hair transplants and FUE are appropriate treatment options for them. FUE can absolutely be an effective treatment for patients of African and Caribbean descent who have wavy, curly, or kinky hair textures. However, it is important to be aware of how to find a clinic that has the knowledge and skills necessary to perform this surgery successfully. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about hair transplant black male FUE treatments.

Finding Your Perfect Hair Transplant Black Male FUE Provider

It is important to find a hair restoration clinic and surgeon who has experience performing FUE hair transplants on patients with different types and textures of hair. If left in the hands of an unskilled surgeon, a poorly performed FUE can result in ingrown hairs or keloid scarring. Curly and kinky strands of hair can curl up beneath the skin as well as above the surface of the scalp, causing the grafts to take up more space. In some ways, this is great news because it takes fewer grafts to give you a look of full dense hair. As long as you are working with a skilled practitioner there is no reason why Black male patients cannot expect to have a completely successful transplant. 

The biggest challenge when it comes to hair transplant black male FUE treatments is that the donor area around the hair groupings that make up the follicular grafts needs to be wider in order to ensure that the grafts can be removed in one piece. Curly textured hair is at higher risk of transection if a surgeon is not aware of these hair characteristics. Transection means that the bulb at the base of the hair follicle is cut accidentally when the graft is removed. Damage to the graft prevents the transplanted hair from growing properly, making the FUE transplant more likely to fail.

Are Robotics Right For You? 

Recently many hair restoration clinics have adopted the use of robotic transplant machines such as ARTAS or Neograft. It is important to note that these machines are not suitable for people with curly hair. For example, the ARTAS robotic hair transplant machine only has FDA approval for people who have dark, straight hair. People with light-colored hair, or hair texture that is curly or kinky are not good candidates for FUE treatments with these machines.

Scar Prevention After Surgery 

Another consideration that is very important when it comes to discussing hair transplant black male FUE options is scar prevention. Because the hair follicles are curly, this can increase the amount of time needed for the scalp to heal after surgery. This increases the risk of the scar becoming hypertrophic, in other words, the skin at the incision site thickens. People with darker skin tones are more likely to develop keloids, which are large, thick scars that can appear bumpy. One of the questions any prospective surgeon should be asking you during your consultation is whether or not you have a history o keloid scarring. This can help them to take preventive measures, but it also demonstrates that they know how to properly care for their hair transplant Black male FUE patients.

Surgical Experience & Educational Background 

Other important questions to ask your surgeon are whether or not any national boards of hair transplantation or plastic surgery, as well as their educational background. Where did they study medicine? Did they train in plastic surgery or other relevant surgery like complex wound closures? How many hours of training did they complete in FUE before they started practicing as a chief surgeon? Can they provide you with multiple before and after photos of their own patients, as well as contact info and referrals that demonstrate their familiarity and aptitude with caring for Black patients?

What to Expect From an FUE or FUT Procedure

There are two main methods by which a hair transplant is performed. FUE and FUT. In one sense, both of these surgeries are the same. At least the overall goal of obtaining transplantable hair grafts. Doctors remove follicular grafts from the donor area of the scalp, which is usually the back of the head. Then we transplant them into the recipient area. The surgeries differ in terms of how the follicular grafts are removed from the donor area. In other words, the approach differs.

Follicular Unit Transplants in Black Males

During FUT the surgeon makes a horizontal incision at the back of the scalp in order to remove a thin strip of skin along with the grafts. With FUE, we remove grafts individually using a tiny micropunch tool. FUT procedures require a different approach. Instead of removing the grafts in one long strip, they are removed in a diffuse pattern throughout the entire donor area. In the hands of a skilled surgeon, both surgeries have similar success rates and result in very minimal scarring. 

Things to know about FUE in comparison to FUT is that FUE tends to be slightly more expensive and time-consuming, and one has to be prepared for the hair at the donor area to be shaved close to the scalp. FUE is ideal for Black men who like to keep their hair shaved close in the back. Also, with FUE the healing process is faster and with less discomfort. When you do your initial consultation you and the surgeon can further discuss the advantages and drawbacks of each procedure, as well as what will be the best fit for you and your hair goals.

Follicular Unit Extraction in Black Males

We perform the FUE procedure under local anesthesia. The surgery typically lasts between 4-8 hours. This depends on the number of graft transplants necessary. If a patient requires a large number of grafts they may choose to book multiple sessions.

After Your Hair Transplant Surgery

Once the transplant is complete, we bandage the patient’s head and provide aftercare instructions. You will be able to return home the same day as your surgery, and most patients feel comfortable enough to return to their work and other normal activities within a few days. Avoid UV exposure, swimming, vigorous exercise, smoking, and wearing any type of hat, helmet, or hairpiece. A few weeks after surgery you will return for your postoperative assessment to make sure everything is healing properly and your doctor will advise you on long-term care instructions. 

It takes about a year for your new transplant to grow in, with some people seeing a significant change at around 9 months post-surgery. Around 6 weeks after surgery the hairs at the transplant site will fall out. This process known as shock loss happens so that the new hair below the surface of the scalp can emerge. After this shock loss occurs your new hair will begin to grow in.

Other Non-Surgical Options for Black Male Hair 

If you and your surgeon decide that FUE is not the best fit for you then they will suggest non-surgical alternatives including medication and low-level laser therapy (LLLT). Here at Best Hair Transplant, we offer prescription-grade laser caps by Capillus which can assist with increased hair growth, as well as improvement in the overall health of the strands. Your surgeon may also advise you to visit your dermatologist or general practitioner in order to determine the root cause of your hair loss.

Some conditions such as traction alopecia, where the hair is damaged by overuse of tight hairstyles, heavy braids or abrasive products, or heat tools may be corrected by making changes to one’s styling methods. Adopting gentler hair care methods can help this issue to resolve on its own. This is especially true when coupled with topical medications such as minoxidil (Rogaine). If your hair loss is due to stress, dietary imbalance, illness, or sudden weight loss, the hair will most likely come back with minor modifications to one’s lifestyle. Discuss this with your doctor. They’ll be happy to help you out and help you understand.


Hair loss can be a really difficult and frustrating experience. For hair transplant Black male FUE patients, you must find a clinic that understands the unique needs of your hair.

At Best Hair Transplant, we’ve been in operation for over 16 years. We have a proud history of serving a diverse population of patients. We’re happy to provide you with photos and referrals of some of our past hair transplant Black male FUE patients. In fact, you can view our customer recommendations HERE.

We pride ourselves on creating a business committed to excellence, high-quality care, and safety. Book your complimentary consultation today to learn more. We can’t wait to help you start restoring your lost hair.


Best Hair Transplant
1970 S. Prospect Ave., Suite 2
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(213) 403-0455


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