Find Out How FUE Hair Transplants Work And If They’re Right For You!

February 26, 2023

So you’re wondering how Fue Hair Transplants Work? Awesome! That means you’re on the right track because you already know about FUE procedures (or at least you’ve heard about them). So here you are, starting your hair transplant research and let me just say congratulations for getting this far AND ESPECIALLY for taking the time to do your homework.

Research is a huge part of finding out if hair transplants are right for you. And just to say up front, they’re not for everyone, sadly. However, the vast majority of people we see for hair loss can benefit from hair transplant procedures. We certainly hope that you’re one of the lucky ones who’s chosen to attack your hair loss at an early age so you don’t get to the point where hairloss has progressed too far to operate. We’re just going to assume that you are and that you’re ready to know more about the amazing Follicular Unit Extraction process. So if you’re interested in how FUE transplants work, you’ve come to the right place.

Hair Transplants Are Incredible Tools to Achieve the Hair of Your Dreams

These transplants are becoming increasingly popular as an effective and lasting option. With continued innovations and research, patients like yourself no longer need to passively accept balding. You don’t need to wait for the inevitable or give up hope! We have the power to fix your hairloss and restore your confidence along within.

Unlike many other hair growth or hair restoration options, this one is FOR REAL. IT really works and if you take care of your new hair, it can last for decades if not for the rest of your life. While that’s all up to your body and how well you care for yourself, the point is that FUE hair restoration is the BEST solution for restoring your lost hair and stopping the balding process.

They’re just super freaking amazing when it comes down to it and that’s why we love talking about them, educating people, and doing our very best to be the affordable alternative in LA for people who normally might not be able to afford the procedure. We believe that gatekeeping this service is a tragic part of the industry. One that’s all too common, unfortunately. That’s why we’re doing everything in our power to bust down the blockades and help everyone we possibly can. If that sounds like you? Then read on my friend, read on!

Before We Delve In

But before we get ahead of ourselves, just a note that we’ll be touching on some points which will help you understand what FUE transplants are, how FUE transplants work, and the costs associated with the procedure. Additionally, who’s a good candidate, what’s the recovery process is like afterward, and if there are any valuable alternatives or complimentary products or services available?

In this blog post, we will explore “How Fue Hair Transplants Work!” and all these questions in depth so that you can make an informed decision about whether FUE hair transplants work for you. We hope you’re ready because I can already tell I’m going to have some fun with this one!

Table of Contents:

What is an FUE Hair Transplant?

The Hair Transplant Options You Have At Your Disposal

An FUE Hair Restoration surgery is one of the two main methods of performing hair transplants, the other being the Follicular Unit Transplant FUT procedure, which we can delve into a bit later. The FUE procedure, known in full as a Follicular Unit Extraction, involves harvesting individual follicles from the donor area of a patient’s scalp. Each graft typically contains 3-5 hairs each on average so for a typical FUE, we’re transplanting 10,000 plus new hairs into the bald spots on your head. Now keep in mind that not every person benefits the same from each particular hair transplant option.

For example, someone who has a very small number of hair grafts available due to extensive hair loss is going to benefit from a different approach than a 22-year-old guy who is noticing increasing thinning and wants to nip it in the bud. Your scalp elasticity may allow you to see better results with a FUT procedure. Or, you may be one of the patients who benefit from a combination of both procedures.

That will be up to you and your hair transplant surgeon to decide. And as long as you seek out a skilled surgeon at a well-respected clinic, you’re likely to get the real, honest answers you need. So don’t go in with distrust on the mind.

Be Ready To Sort Through the Muck

You’re going to have to look around and weigh your options to see which clinics fit your needs and which ones are just plain terrible. Unless you jive with the first clinic and the staff that you stumble upon, you need to do some more research at this point in the process. It’s always a good rule of thumb to keep your guard up whenever large amounts of money are involved, especially when you’re not the expert in a situation. 99.9% of the time, that’s going to be you in this situation, although hair transplant doctors need hair transplants too once in a while, right??

However, you must believe that a respected surgeon with experience in the field will provide the best opinion for you during your consultation. It may not be what you expected or what you wanted to hear. Despite that, you need to take that into consideration when making your final decisions about the procedure you choose, or if you choose to follow through with one at all. This is just one more reason why you should go into any consultation (especially in-person ones) with some research under your belt and a list of common hair transplant questions for the staff to address.

Ask as many questions as possible and don’t worry about how it makes them feel. If they don’t like the barrage of questions or seem annoyed or apprehensive about answering, then you just got the best information you possibly could from that clinic. That they’re not up to par, they’re not right for you, and you need to get the hell out with a quickness!

You’re In Control of the Process and Don’t You Forget It!

Just remember that you’re always allowed to get second opinions at other LA hair clinics and you ask for quotes to compare the prices you’re being offered. At Best Hair Transplant in Redondo Beach, we literally encourage it! That’s because we’re so confident in the quality of services we offer and our pricing structure that we’ll happily tell people to go off in search of other quotes. They always end up coming back to us when they see how much they’ll save, how soon we’re able to schedule procedures, and how the one-on-one attention we give them beats out the bloated corporate structures other transplant clinics suffer from in LA.

If you take the time to do this, you’ll be able to sort through the shadier or less-attentive hair transplant clinics with ease. You don’t want to rush this process. It’s a big decision and one you should not make lightly. Find the doctor and clinic that’s best for you, whatever that might mean.

This is Not a Short Process

Hair transplants are not quick procedures. As you can imagine, it’s a lot of work, especially when working with such small parts of the body and having to make thousands of micro punches and slits. That’s why an FUE can take about 6-8 hours to complete, especially for people who need a large number of grafts to see the results they desire. But once again, I’m going off on a tangent, so back to the process.

Your hair transplant surgeon uses their micro punch tool to select grafts from the back of the scalp where hairloss is less common, keeping a close eye on the areas grafts are pulled from. This ensures that the hair on the back of your head continues to look natural after the transplant. After all, if you pull out the grafts carelessly, there’s no “going back”. Those grafts are gone from that portion of your head and they won’t grow back.

That’s why it’s so important to choose a qualified hair transplant surgeon with a skilled hand who knows which grafts to pull and which ones to leave there. Maintaining a natural appearance is the key here. I mean, that’s why you’re here right? You’re looking for that natural look that only a hair transplant… growing YOUR OWN REAL HAIR can provide.

Back to the FUE Transplant Procedure

Anyhow, your surgeon takes this micro punch tool and selects thousands of grafts, extracting them one by one. Then, each of these grafts gets placed into very tiny slits made in the areas of the scalp (usually close to the front and sides) where you’re experiencing hair thinning or the onset of complete balding. Of course, depending on the extent of your hairloss, you may need 1000 grafts or you may need 3500-4000. In fact, in some cases, patients may even need 2 separate procedures in order to get the number of grafts they truly need to see the best results possible.

Again, this is all up to your surgeon’s judgment, your personal preferences, and what your hair transplant expectations are. At Best Hair Transplant, we’re completely transparent with everyone about what they need and what will work best for them. Additionally, if hair transplants won’t work for a patient for whatever reason, we let them know that as well. There’s no reason to waste money (and a lot of it) to have the procedure fail. That’s not how we roll and it’s certainly not why we do what we do. We’re here to open up this amazing procedure to everyone we possibly can and we take that mission seriously!

The Not Too Gory Details

Now let’s hop back to FUE hair restoration again. An FUE hair transplant is a procedure that uses follicular unit extraction (FUE) to restore hair that has essentially become dormant and stopped growing for various reasons.

Typically, hairloss is a genetic issue and this is usually the best type of hair loss candidate as this procedure is tried and true for treating most genetic-based hairless. On the other hand, exposure to external forces, accidents, trauma to the scalp, exposure to chemicals, and other factors can complicate who may be able to receive a hair transplant.

Now as we said above, the FUE process involves extracting individual follicles from the donor area of the scalp and implanting them into areas of thinning or baldness on the recipient site. This method is considered minimally invasive, as it does not require stitches or incisions like traditional “strip” transplants do.

What is the Procedure in Simple Terms? During an FUE hair transplant, a surgeon will first harvest healthy hairs from an area with thicker coverage such as the back or sides of your head. These are then carefully extracted one by one using a special tool called a micro-punch device.

Once harvested, these hair graft “bunches” are placed in the thousands of tiny slits made in the recipient area where they activate the scalp’s ability to grow and maintain hair. As a result, new hairs take root and begin to grow new strands over time. As we noted above this procedure can take several hours, depending on the amount of coverage required. Even with smaller transplants, don’t expect to be in and out quickly. You’ll likely need to dedicate the entire day to your procedure as you should return home to rest and recuperate after we finish the transplant process.

Benefits of FUE Hair Transplants:

One major benefit of an FUE hair transplant is that it leaves minimal scarring compared to other types of procedures like the Follicular Unit Transplant procedure. That’s because FUE doesn’t require the large incision which needs to be made in order for grafts to be removed from donor sites in a FUT procedure. The only thing you’ll notice is lots of little dots from the extraction sites and a red scalp full of tiny cuts. Of course, these are just microscopic scabs that will naturally fall off during the healing process.

FUE is often the preferred method for patients who want to wear hairstyles not limited by surgical incisions that people can openly see. While a skilled hair transplant surgeon like Doctor Greg Powell can make FUT scars nearly undetectable, you should still expect them to be visible upon inspection Therefore, many FUT patients choose to wear longer hairstyles to keep their scars covered

Additionally, since only individual follicles are being transplanted rather than entire strips, there’s less risk for damage and irritation resulting in unintended and potentially recovering-complicating shock loss—a condition where existing hairs fall out due to trauma caused by surgery, rather than through the natural process. However, don’t discount FUT. It has its place and is a very valuable surgery option as well. It’s all about weighing the costs and benefits of the decision you make. Just like in your day-to-day life.

Typical Recovery Times For FUE Transplants

Finally, recovery times tend to be shorter after an FUE procedure than with other techniques because there isn’t any stitching involved which helps reduce postoperative pain and discomfort associated with traditional strip surgeries.

FUE Hair Transplants can be a viable choice for hair loss, but it is essential to consider the method, likely dangers, and if one meets the criteria prior to deciding. Let’s explore more about who may be an ideal candidate for FUE Hair Transplants in the next section.

Key Takeaway: FUE hair transplants are a minimally invasive procedure that involves extracting individual follicles from donor sites and implanting them in areas of thinning or baldness, with minimal scarring and shorter recovery times compared to traditional strip surgeries.

Who is a Good Candidate for FUE Hair Transplants?

FUE hair transplants are a popular and effective way to restore lost or thinning hair. The procedure involves removing healthy donor follicles from the back of the head and transplanting them into balding areas. But who is an ideal candidate for this type of procedure?

Ideal Candidates for FUE Hair Transplants:

Generally, people with stable hair loss patterns that have not changed in recent years make good candidates for FUE hair transplants. Candidates with a long-standing, unchanging pattern of baldness and an adequate donor area are usually suitable for FUE transplants.

Additionally, those with sufficient donor area density—meaning there are enough healthy hairs on the back or sides of the head to harvest—are also considered good candidates for FUE procedures.

Before opting for an FUE hair transplant, several elements should be taken into consideration; such as age, medical history, lifestyle practices (e.g., smoking), current medications being consumed and hopes concerning the outcomes.

It’s essential to consult your physician before deciding on the operation, so they can assess if you are a viable option for the treatment or propose other solutions that could be more suitable given your individual situation.

While there is no specific age limit when it comes to having an FUE hair transplant performed, most doctors recommend waiting until after puberty has finished before undergoing any kind of cosmetic surgery involving permanent changes as this one does.

This is because hormones released during puberty can cause further changes in physical appearance which could potentially affect the success of the procedure in restoring lost or thinning hair permanently.

FUE Hair Transplants can be a viable choice for those seeking a long-term hair loss remedy; yet, it is essential to ascertain if you are an optimal prospect prior to investing in the process. To find out more about what factors may affect your candidacy and how much an FUE Hair Transplant costs, keep reading.

Key Takeaway: FUE hair transplants can be a successful way to restore lost or thinning hair, but it is important to consider age, health history, lifestyle habits and expectations before undergoing the procedure.

How Much Does an FUE Hair Transplant Cost?

When you’re searching to find out how FUE transplants work, at some point you’ll stumble upon the topic of “expense”. The average expense of an FUE hair transplant in the US typically lies between four and fifteen thousand dollars. This price range can vary depending on several factors such as the size of the area being treated, the number of grafts needed for coverage, and any additional treatments or procedures that may be required. The amount of time it takes to complete an FUE hair transplant procedure also affects its cost.

A major element impacting the price of FUE transplants is the number of grafts needed to achieve desired outcomes. Generally speaking, larger areas require more grafts than smaller ones do. You can see prices at many clinics range from an average of $8,000-18,000 depending on how many grafts you need and which clinic you choose to perform the procedure.

However, at our clinic in Redondo Beach, we offer prices much lower than our competition. In fact, you can get a larger number of grafts at Best Hair Transplant for less than our competition charges to perform much smaller procedures. It’s a winning combination and a win-win situation for our patients. And that’s what we’re here for.

Do You Need Multiple Sessions or Surgeries?

Additionally, if you need multiple sessions due to severe baldness or thinning hair then this will increase your overall costs significantly. Other factors include where you live (costs tend to be higher in metropolitan areas), your doctor’s experience level (more experienced doctors charge more), and whether or not you have any additional treatments done during your procedure (such as PRP therapy).

Unfortunately, most insurance companies do not cover cosmetic procedures such as FUE hair transplants since they are considered elective surgeries rather than medically necessary ones. Still, it is prudent to verify with your insurer prior to booking an appointment at a clinic offering these services if you think there’s any chance of this. However, it’s very unlikely as most hair restoration procedures are cosmetic operations. Still, it can’t hurt to ask.

If insurance does not cover the procedure then financing options may be available through clinics like ours which can drastically reduce upfront costs and help make this type of treatment even more affordable for those who want it but cannot afford it outright.

An FUE hair transplant can be expensive, but the cost is worth it for those looking to permanently restore their hair. Gaining insight into the recuperation phase of an FUE hair transplant can be beneficial for those considering this permanent solution to restoring their hair.

Key Takeaway: FUE hair transplants can range in cost from four thousand to fifteen thousand dollars, depending on the scope of treatment and other considerations such as locality and professional proficiency. Insurance typically does not cover these procedures so financing may be necessary for some patients.

What is the Recovery Process Like After an FUE Hair Transplant?

After an FUE hair transplant, postoperative care is essential to ensure the best results. It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully and avoid any activities that may cause trauma or irritation to the scalp.

Immediately after surgery, you should keep your head elevated and use cold compresses for the first 24 hours to reduce swelling. Take medications as directed by your physician, including antibiotics and analgesics. These medications may differ from patient to patient so just pay close attention and make sure you follow the instructions they give to you. Of course, during this stage of the process, make sure to voice your opinion about medication preferences or lack thereof. Again, these are talks for your and your hair transplant surgeon.

Avoiding Strenuous or Disruptive Activities After Your Transplant

In addition, your doctor will likely recommend avoiding strenuous activity for at least one week after surgery. While wearing hats right after surgery should be done with care as to avoid irritating or disturbing the newly-implanted grafts, wearing a hat when outdoors until all of the transplanted hairs have been shed (which usually takes about two weeks) is a good idea to avoid unwanted sun exposure to this sensitive area.

Don’t worry, you’ll be able to get back to normal faster than you think and when you look back on your journey 12 months down the road, it’s going to be of little consequence. You’re going to have YOUR REAL HAIR BACK! Seriously! However, we’re not done just yet.

Stop Picking At That!

There are more things you need to keep in mind after your FUE transplant surgery. How FUE transplants work out for you requires your commitment to take care of yourself following the procedure. During this initial time of recovery, it’s important not to scratch or rub the area where grafts were placed as this can damage them.

I know for some people it’s hard not to pick at scabs and mess with “foreign” objects on the body. Trust me I get it. I’m one of them. But you absolutely need to let yourself heal properly and leave your scalp alone as much as possible. Again, bit the bullet on this one. It’s worth it so don’t let the temptation get to you. Leave your freaking head alone and let your body do what it does. Trust the process.

Listen to Your Body!

Furthermore, you should stay away from swimming pools or hot tubs for the time being in order to prevent bacteria contamination and potential infection of your scalp. And this one is SERIOUSLY IMPORTANT! Even if you’re cleared to go into the water again, make sure YOU are comfortable doing so. Nobody knows your body better than you and if you’re still not feeling like your body is ready for this step, there’s no need to rush it. There will be plenty of time to swim later. But you SERIOUSLY don’t want to complicate the healing process and cause problems that could result in serious medical complications.

My Personal Experience

I give this warning from personal experience after I had surgery that left a sizable hole in my abdominal area. A gastric sleeve. The procedure went great. Fantastic, in fact. I was healing up fast and everything looked great. So much so that they actually approved me to go into the water again before I was expecting it. Similarly, how FUE Transplants work out, in the end, has everything to do with how well you listen to your body.

I had just been invited to a pool party minutes before and was a bit taken aback by the clearance as I still didn’t feel like I was fully healed up enough. However, I went against my better judgment and decided to give it a go. BAD IDEA! Within a day, the wound was badly infected. It sucked! As a result, I had to go through additional meds and 3 additional visits to keep getting it checked on. Furthermore, it hurt and it was gross. I got through it without any additional complications. Had I listened to my gut feeling, my gut would have been feeling much better than it did. Ultimately, make the right call for you!

The FUE Recovery Process

The recovery process after an FUE hair transplant is relatively quick and straightforward. However, you must follow your postoperative care instructions carefully. As long as your surgeon performed the surgery properly and you follow your post-op instructions, you’ll begin to see the process unfold in front of your eyes. How FUE transplants work out depends on many factors so pay attention ok.

The entire process can take 12-18 months to truly realize the full results of your transplant. However, you’ll see growth take place much sooner than that. You’ll also experience the initial strange and shocking process of fall-out where you actually shed all of the newly-transplanted hairs. But don’t let that freak you out. It’s just part of the process. This means the new hairs are stimulated enough to begin growing on their own again. It’s shocking to see but great when you get to this point. After all, it just lets you know you’re on the cusp of regrowing your natural hair after all this time.

Business as Usual

Once you’ve passed the recovery phase and you’ve healed up, you pretty much go back to life as normal. From that point on (without oversimplifying the process), you just wait for your hair to grow back to the desired length. Of course, this can be different for each patient. Men may want shorter hair and women may want to sport thick, full, long hair. You may prefer something in between or you may want to experiment with your new hair.

We see this frequently as many patients have been without hair or lacking styling options for quite some time. They want to have some fun and take that new do for a ride. And we’re 100% all about that! After everything you’ve been through, it’s not hard to say that you’ve earned it!

Are There Other Hair Restoration Options to Consider?

There are other options available for those looking to address their hair loss issues without undergoing surgery. While hair transplants are the best long-term method to fight hair loss, that’s not to say the other options don’t hold value. In fact, far from it! We often suggest using additional options to get the best results and keep your results lasting for years to come.

We like to say that hair restoration is like dentistry. You don’t go to the dentist and get a rotten tooth pulled just to never brush your teeth again. You have to care for your mouth long-term. There are many things you can do to see the best results possible. So it is with hair transplants as well.

You spent a lot on this surgery. It’s an investment. Think of it that way and don’t forget it. It’s an investment in yourself. In your happiness. In your mental health. Your Confidence and self-esteem. Don’t let this investment go to waste.

With that said, let’s take a look at some of these alternatives to surgery in the next section. Some of them may actually complement your FUE hair transplant.

Key Takeaway: FUE hair transplants require careful postoperative care to ensure the best results, including keeping your head elevated, using cold compresses and avoiding strenuous activity or contact with bacteria-filled water.

Are There Alternatives to a Fue Hair Transplant?

So now you’ve got a pretty good idea of how FUE hair transplants work, but what if you’re looking for another option? Maybe you want to try something less drastic than surgery before you spend the money and commit to the surgery. Not to worry!

Non-surgical alternatives to treating baldness or thinning hair are becoming increasingly popular. These treatments can be used in conjunction with, or as an alternative to, an FUE hair transplant. Some of the most common non-surgical options include medications and scalp micropigmentation.

What Are My Non-Surgical Options?


Hair loss treatments, such as finasteride (Propecia) and minoxidil (Rogaine), are sometimes recommended for individuals suffering from balding caused by hereditary factors or aging. These medications, while able to impede the progress of hair loss, are not a lasting solution and must be taken regularly in order to preserve results. When you stop taking the meds, you stop seeing the results so you have to do it forever. Keep that in mind when weighing the costs of a lifetime of meds vs a procedure. Additionally, some individuals experience adverse reactions when taking these medications, such as reduced sexual desire, headaches, nausea, and lightheadedness.

SMP Treatments

Scalp micropigmentation is another option for those looking for a more permanent solution without surgery. This procedure involves injecting tiny dots of pigment into the scalp that, when viewed from afar, can mimic the look of real hairs. Think of it like microscopic tattoos on your head.

The treatment is relatively painless and requires no downtime after it has been completed; however, multiple sessions over several weeks are necessary before results become visible. Additionally, this procedure may not be suitable for those who have completely lost their hair since it relies on blending with existing healthy hairs in order to create its desired effect.

LLLT Laser Light Therapy

Lasercap technology found in hair restoration devices like the Capillus RX 312 help to stimulate your hair and increase blood flow to areas of the scalp experiencing balding and thinning. We personally love these devices and many people do achieve great results with these alone and no transplant. However, we actually recommend transplant patients also buy an LLLT lasercap like Capillus. It’s a great addition to almost any hair restoration procedure.

Ultimately, each approach has its advantages and disadvantages, so the decision of which to pursue should be based on your particular situation – including how much you’re willing to spend on treatment and what kind of results you anticipate.

For example, if cost isn’t an issue but time is then getting an FUE transplant might make sense whereas if money’s tight but time isn’t then trying out one of the non-surgical alternatives could work better given its lower price tag compared to the surgery itself.

Key Takeaway: The decision of whether to choose a FUE hair transplant or one of the non-surgical alternatives depends on individual circumstances, such as budget and desired outcome.

FAQs in Relation to How Fue Hair Transplants Work

How long does an FUE hair transplant last?

We can take 2 meanings from this. How long is the procedure and how long do the results last? Let’s cover both, shall we? If we’re talking about surgery time, 5-8 hours is a good rule of thumb to base this on. Keep in mind this has to do with the number of grafts you need. The more you require, the longer it takes.

Now if you’re asking how long your new hair will last, the transplanted follicles can endure long-term if suitable care is taken. This includes taking care of your hair SPECIFICALLY, but also, your overall health as well.

You can make your transplant last a lifetime if you follow the instructions and suggestions provided by your surgeon. However, if you fail to do so, don’t expect the results you truly want to see. You won’t get them. You have to put in the effort and you have to do so long-term.

How permanent are FUE hair transplanted grafts?

If all goes well, your new FUE grafts should root and last for years to come. However, it’s still possible for you to experience additional hairloss in areas not addressed during your hair transplant. For example, if you got into a car wreck and repaired the front bumper and left the doors all bent up, after a while, it’s possible we could see the doors degrade further and even fall off completely. If the doors are bad after all, then we need new doors. Do you get it? In the world of hair transplants, that could mean an additional procedure later down the road if you experience further hairloss as you age.

How long does the FUE last?

The FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant procedure is a permanent solution for hair loss. The donor area is the source of follicles that are then transferred to the balding or thinning regions of the scalp, where they will carry on growing normally.

Results can last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance, such as avoiding sun exposure, using gentle shampoos and conditioners, and not wearing tight hairstyles that could pull on newly implanted hairs. With proper aftercare, patients can enjoy their new head of hair for many years to come.

How effective are FUE transplants?

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) transplants are a highly effective and permanent solution for hair loss. The procedure involves removing individual follicles from the donor area, usually at the back of the head. Then, we transplant them to areas where baldness has occurred.

FUE transplants offer natural-looking results with minimal scarring and no linear incision required. Studies have shown that up to 95% of grafts survive after an FUE transplant. The result is a full head of hair in as little as 6 months. In 12-18 months, you’ll see the full transformation. With proper care and maintenance, FUE transplants can provide a permanent solution to hair loss.

Now You Know How FUE Hair Transplants Work And You’re Ready to Move Forward With Your Consultation

Although the cost of FUE hair transplants may be high, it can be seen as an investment in one’s self. The recovery process is relatively short with minimal downtime and no visible scarring. These reasons and more make FUE one of the most popular surgeries we perform here at Best Hair Transplant.

If you’re considering an FUE hair transplant, make sure to consult with an experienced professional who can answer any questions you may have about how FUE hair transplants work and if they are right for you. If you’re ready to take that next step and have any questions for us, please contact us today.

Best Hair Transplant
1970 S. Prospect Ave., Suite 2
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(213) 403-0455

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