A Follicular Unit Transplant Help to Solve Your Hairloss

July 26, 2023

Are you considering a follicular unit transplant (FUT) procedure to restore your hair? FUT is an advanced, minimally-invasive technique for permanent hair loss solutions. Since its introduction in the early 2000s, FUT has remained a popular choice for individuals seeking lasting hair restoration solutions.

In this blog post, we discuss what makes FUT so attractive as well as alternatives for certain cases. We’ll also cover pre-procedure considerations and post-procedure care instructions. FInally, we explore some of the potential long-term results associated with Follicular Unit Transplant procedures.

Table of Contents:

What is Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT)?

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) is a hair restoration technique that involves the transplantation of individual follicles from one area to another, providing natural-looking results with minimal scarring. This technique has been used since the 1950s and has become increasingly popular due to its natural-looking results with minimal scarring. FUT can be used to restore hair in areas where it has thinned or gone bald, as well as for cosmetic purposes such as eyebrow reconstruction or beard enhancement.

History of FUT:

The first successful follicular unit transplant was performed by Dr. Orentreich in 1959 using scalp tissue taken from the back of the head, which had denser growth than other parts of the scalp. Since then, advances in technology have made FUT an even more effective option for restoring hair loss caused by genetics or medical conditions like alopecia areata.

Benefits of FUT:

One major benefit of FUT is that it produces natural-looking results with minimal scarring compared to other techniques like strip harvesting or flap surgery. Additionally, because individual follicles are transplanted rather than large sections, there’s less risk for damage and trauma during the procedure itself and fewer complications afterward such as infection or poor healing.

Depending on the desired coverage and aesthetic, this process may require several hours to multiple days of treatment. Your doctor administers local anesthesia before carefully extracting individual hairs from donor sites – typically located at the back or sides of your scalp – and transplanting them into recipient sites for natural growth without any additional post-operative care.

Many people choose this method because it provides long-term results with minimal scarring while still looking natural. Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) is a permanent hair loss solution that has been proven to be effective in restoring lost hair. Nonetheless, other approaches to tackling hair loss exist and will be discussed in the following section.

Key Takeaway: Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) is a hair restoration procedure that has been used since the 1950s and offers natural-looking results with minimal scarring. This technique involves transplanting individual follicles from one area to another, providing long-term benefits with no need for ongoing maintenance once healed.

Alternatives to FUT Procedures

Hair replacement surgery is a viable alternative to FUT for those seeking permanent hair loss solutions. This method entails taking out balding patches of the head and then supplanting them with strands from different parts of the body, such as behind or around the scalp. The transplanted hairs are then carefully implanted into tiny incisions made in the scalp.

This procedure can be used to restore lost density and coverage in balding areas, resulting in a more natural look that blends seamlessly with existing hair. Hair replacement surgery offers long-lasting results and minimal scarring; however, it does require extensive pre-procedure planning and post-op care to ensure optimal outcomes.


Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is another option for those looking for an alternative to FUT procedures. SMP involves using pigment injections on affected areas of the scalp to create a shaven look without having to actually shave your head completely bald. It’s an ideal solution for men who want to cover up thinning patches or receding hairlines without undergoing invasive treatments like FUT or PRP therapy. With SMP, you can achieve immediate results that last up to five years before needing touch ups; however, this treatment may not be suitable if you have large bald spots since it only works on smaller areas at once.


For those looking for a permanent hair loss solution, there are several alternatives to follicular unit transplantation such as hair replacement surgery, scalp micropigmentation (SMP), and platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy. It is important that potential FUT patients consider pre-procedure considerations before undergoing the procedure.

Key Takeaway: For those seeking permanent hair loss solutions, follicular unit transplant (FUT) is one option. However, alternatives such as scalp micropigmentation (SMP) and hair replacement surgery are available for those looking to avoid invasive treatments like FUT. Both offer long-lasting results with minimal scarring; however, SMP offers more immediate gratification than the latter.

Pre-Procedure Considerations for FUT Patients

Before undergoing a follicular unit transplant (FUT) procedure, it is important for patients to consider certain factors. Consulting with a hair restoration specialist can help ensure that the best treatment option is chosen and that expectations are realistic. It is likewise important to contemplate the cost of the treatment and any money-related alternatives accessible. Lastly, preparing for the FUT procedure and following aftercare instructions from your doctor are essential for optimal results.

When consulting with a hair restoration specialist, they will evaluate your scalp condition and discuss what kind of results you can expect from FUT. They may also suggest alternative treatments if they believe FUT isn’t right for you or if there’s an underlying medical condition causing your hair loss that needs to be addressed first.

What Effects the Cost of Follicular Unit Transplant Surgery?

The cost of a FUT procedure varies depending on factors such as how much grafting needs to be done, whether multiple sessions are required, where you live, etc., so it’s important to get an accurate estimate before committing to anything. Many clinics offer financing options which make paying for this type of surgery more manageable.

Prior to the FUT procedure, preparation is of utmost importance in order to realize desired outcomes. Abstain from certain medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen that can increase bleeding risk during surgery. Discontinue smoking several weeks before the procedure. Forgo alcohol consumption. Get adequate rest. Maintain a healthy diet leading up to the day of surgery. Wear comfortable clothing on the day itself. Finally, have someone chauffeur you home due to anesthesia-induced drowsiness afterwards.

Additionally, adhering not only pre-operative instructions given by your doctor but also post-op directions like keeping one’s head elevated while sleeping or taking antibiotics prescribed after surgery are imperative in order minimize infection risk at incision sites where grafts were inserted into bald areas on scalp.

Keep these tips in mind

By considering all these pre-procedure considerations carefully before undergoing a follicular unit transplant (FUT), patients can ensure their experience goes smoothly and yields satisfactory long-term results.

Before undergoing a Follicular Unit Transplant, it is important to consult with a hair restoration specialist and understand the cost of the procedure as well as any financing options available. Additionally, preparing for the procedure and following aftercare instructions are essential pre-procedure considerations. Now that these have been addressed, let us look at post-procedure care for FUT patients.

Key Takeaway: Before undergoing a follicular unit transplant (FUT) procedure, it’s important to consult with an experienced hair restoration specialist and get realistic expectations. Cost of the procedure should also be taken into account along with any financing options available. Furthermore, following pre-operative instructions and post-care directions is essential for optimal results.

Post-Procedure Care for FUT Patients

Managing Pain and Discomfort After the Procedure:

FUT procedures can cause some degree of discomfort. It is essential to take measures for managing post-procedural discomfort in order to ensure the best possible recovery. Your doctor may suggest taking medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help manage post-operative pain. Also, apply ice packs or cold compresses on your scalp. This helps reduce swelling and inflammation. For the duration of your healing, avoid strenuous activities to avert any additional irritation or harm.

It is imperative to adhere strictly to your doctor’s orders for a successful FUT procedure outcome. This entails taking all prescribed medications as recommended. Also, avoiding the sun and swimming pools while healing is a must. Abstaining from smoking or imbibing alcohol during this period, employing only advised hair care products on your scalp, and sleeping with your head elevated at night for no less than one week after surgery. Finally, attend all follow-up appointments with your doctor for monitoring purposes. Keywords: Medications; Sun Exposure; Swimming Pools; Smoking/Alcohol; Hair Care Products; Elevated Sleeping Position

Proper post-procedure care is essential for successful FUT hair transplants, and understanding the long-term results of this procedure will help ensure you get the most out of your investment. Therefore, it’s important to understand what maintenance tips are necessary for optimal results as well as potential side effects and risks associated with follicular unit transplant procedures.

Key Takeaway: It’s essential to follow your doctor’s orders carefully after a FUT procedure, from taking the prescribed medications and avoiding swimming pools or sun exposure to abstaining from smokingalcohol and employing only advised hair care products. Additionally, keep your head elevated while sleeping for at least one week post-surgery – it’ll be worth it in the end.

Long-Term Results of Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) Procedures

FUT, a surgical hair restoration technique used to address male and female pattern baldness, involves transplanting healthy follicles from an area of denser growth into regions with thinning or no hair. FUT involves harvesting of healthy follicles from areas with plentiful growth, usually at the back or sides of the scalp. Then, transplanting them into regions that are sparsely covered. The long-term results of this procedure can be very natural looking with minimal scarring. Just ensure it’s performed correctly by a skilled surgeon.

Natural Looking Results with Minimal Scarring:

After undergoing FUT, patients can expect natural-looking results with minimal scarring in most cases. The transplanted hairs will look like they belong on your head and blend in seamlessly with existing hairs as they grow out over time. In addition, any scarring caused by the donor site incision should be virtually undetectable after it heals completely due to its small size and location at the back or sides of your scalp where it won’t be visible even when wearing short hairstyles.

To ensure optimal long-term results from FUT procedures, proper maintenance is key. Patients should steer clear of excessive sun exposure during healing to ward off damage to newly transplanted follicles. Also, use mild shampoos that are free from harsh chemicals; take special care while styling their hair; avoid tight hairstyles such as ponytails or braids which could put too much strain on recently implanted grafts. Finally, keep stress levels low. Furthermore, maintain a healthy diet packed with vitamins A & C for strong robust hair growth.

Key Takeaway: FUT is a highly successful surgical hair restoration procedure that can provide natural-looking results with minimal scarring when performed correctly by an experienced surgeon. With proper maintenance, such as avoiding harsh chemicals and tight hairstyles, patients can ensure optimal long-term results from their FUT procedures.

FAQs in Relation to Follicular Unit Transplant

What is the success rate of follicular unit extraction?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a hair restoration procedure that has achieved very high success rates. Studies show FUE yields an average of 95% survival rate for transplanted follicles, with some studies showing even higher results. In addition, the technique allows for minimal scarring and no linear donor site scarring. This makes it highly desirable among those seeking permanent hair loss solutions. FUE is a relatively non-invasive technique, with many people able to resume their regular routines shortly after the procedure.

What is the disadvantage of follicular unit extraction?

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a hair transplant procedure where individual follicles are extracted from the donor area and transplanted to areas of baldness. The main disadvantage of FUE is that it can be time-consuming. After all, each follicle must be carefully harvested one at a time. In addition, extraction of individual follicles may result in scarring or other harm to the scalp. This is due to incisions made during this method.

What are the long-term results of FUT?

FUT, or follicular unit transplantation, is a permanent hair loss solution that can yield long-term results. The procedure involves taking healthy donor hairs from the back and sides of the scalp and relocating them to balding areas.

With proper care following surgery, patients can expect to see natural-looking results for years to come. Furthermore, FUT provides excellent coverage over large areas of baldness with fewer sessions than other hair restoration procedures. FUT is a viable choice for those looking to tackle their hair loss difficulties in an enduring manner.

Does follicular unit extraction work?

Yes, follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a highly effective hair transplant and restoration procedure. FUE involves extracting individual follicles from the back of the scalp and transplanting them to areas affected by hair loss. Extracted hairs are then placed in tiny incisions made on the recipient area, creating natural-looking results that can last for many years with proper care. With FUE, patients experience minimal scarring and downtime while achieving excellent long-term results.

Is a Follicular Unit Transplant Right For Your Hairloss Situation?

Follicular unit transplant (FUT) is a permanent hair loss solution used for decades. Though FUT offers the most natural-looking results, consider both cost & duration of treatment before committing to this procedure.

Patients should research their options carefully before deciding on FUT to ensure they are making an informed decision about their treatment plan. With proper pre-procedure considerations and post-procedure care, patients may enjoy long-term benefits from this procedure including improved self-confidence in their appearance.

Take the first step to restoring your hair with a follicular unit transplant. Our experienced team of professionals will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring maximum results for an improved look and feel.

Best Hair Transplant
1970 S. Prospect Ave., Suite 2
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(213) 403-0455

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